KleXi's Party Royale✨
KleXi's Party Royale✨

KleXi's Party Royale✨

By klex
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people

💜Have fun
💜enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜Proximity chat
💜Text chat
Created In:Creative 1.0
Release Date:Feb 8, 2024
Last Update:Feb 17, 2025
Max Players:50
Age Rating:Teen / 12
XP Status:Calibrating
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Charts Update history Attributions
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kvxIyyIjkzxwqIhpYV TybMICxuXLDCdXsPTf
Changed Lobby Image
kvxIyyIjkzxwqIhpYV TybMICxuXLDCdXsPTf
Changed Description
❤️Valentines Update❤️
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
Changed Image
AGSmuslBhpFkRpGbVb kvxIyyIjkzxwqIhpYV
Changed Lobby Image
AGSmuslBhpFkRpGbVb kvxIyyIjkzxwqIhpYV
Changed Description
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
❤️Valentines Update❤️
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
Changed Image
qwyKGytYQezsfWWOLm AGSmuslBhpFkRpGbVb
Changed Square Image
qwyKGytYQezsfWWOLm AGSmuslBhpFkRpGbVb
Changed Lobby Image
qwyKGytYQezsfWWOLm AGSmuslBhpFkRpGbVb
Changed Introduction
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜Proximity Chat
💜Have fun
💜enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜Proximity chat
💜Text chat
Changed Image
VyoVuMiNahrPlcLOkM qwyKGytYQezsfWWOLm
Changed Square Image
VyoVuMiNahrPlcLOkM qwyKGytYQezsfWWOLm
Changed Lobby Image
VyoVuMiNahrPlcLOkM qwyKGytYQezsfWWOLm
Changed Introduction
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜Proximity Chat
winter version
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜Proximity Chat
Changed Description
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
💜be kind to each other
🎄winter version
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
Changed Introduction
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜Proximity Chat
💜be kind to each other
- toxisches Verhalten ist nicht erwünscht
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜Proximity Chat
winter version
Changed Image
OVUvjQvsYZnRGJPoms VyoVuMiNahrPlcLOkM
Changed Square Image
leamncfGHPKLkJmFBZ VyoVuMiNahrPlcLOkM
Changed Lobby Image
WWyvuXFMwhcniMYBfe VyoVuMiNahrPlcLOkM
Changed Description
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
💜be kind to each other
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
💜be kind to each other
🎄winter version
Changed Lobby Image
Changed Square Image
Changed Introduction
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
- toxisches Verhalten ist nicht erwünscht
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜Proximity Chat
💜be kind to each other
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜Proximity Chat
💜be kind to each other
- toxisches Verhalten ist nicht erwünscht
Changed Image
ApQduauaIFiXuIzjAY OVUvjQvsYZnRGJPoms
Changed Square Image
Changed Tags
role playing, party game, just for fun, casual role playing, party game, party world, casual
Changed Description
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
💜be kind to each other
🎃Halloween version 🎃
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
💜be kind to each other
Changed Introduction
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜Proximity Chat
💜be kind to each other
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
- toxisches Verhalten ist nicht erwünscht
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜Proximity Chat
💜be kind to each other
Changed Introduction
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜Proximity Chat
💜be kind to each other
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜Proximity Chat
💜be kind to each other
Changed Image
rxKTXXalQJseerziKV ApQduauaIFiXuIzjAY
Changed Square Image
VafNQwTPoZciyzwMnX ApQduauaIFiXuIzjAY
Changed Description
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
💜be kind to each other
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
💜be kind to each other
🎃Halloween version 🎃
Changed Introduction
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜Proximity Chat
💜be kind to each other
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜Proximity Chat
💜be kind to each other
Changed Image
qAyZahzdHWAekhrSuE rxKTXXalQJseerziKV
Changed Description
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
💜be kind to each other
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
💜be kind to each other
Changed Introduction
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜be kind to each other
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜Proximity Chat
💜be kind to each other
Changed Tags
party world, role playing, casual, just for fun role playing, party game, just for fun, casual
Changed Description
🎉have fun
👥️chill out with friends
🤝meet new people
💜be kind to each other
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
💜be kind to each other
Changed Tags
party world, role playing, casual, party game party world, role playing, casual, just for fun
Changed Description
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
💜be kind to each other
🎉have fun
👥️chill out with friends
🤝meet new people
💜be kind to each other
Changed Introduction
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜be kind to each other
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜be kind to each other
Changed Lobby Image
Changed Tags
party world, role playing, minigame, casual party world, role playing, casual, party game
Changed Image
Changed Square Image
Changed Lobby Image
Changed Tags
party world, role playing, minigame, friendly party world, role playing, minigame, casual
Changed Image
Changed Square Image
Changed Lobby Image
Changed Square Image
Changed Tags
role playing, party world, simulator, friendly party world, role playing, minigame, friendly
Changed Description
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people

💜be kind to each other
💜have fun, enjoy
💜chill out with friends
💜meet new people
💜be kind to each other
Changed Image
mKwybroCamOCVIdYTU qAyZahzdHWAekhrSuE
Changed Lobby Image
mKwybroCamOCVIdYTU qAyZahzdHWAekhrSuE
Changed Introduction
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜be kind to each other
🐰Easter Update
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜be kind to each other
Changed Image
BsYEVlGblMoYnCcapA mKwybroCamOCVIdYTU
Changed Square Image
Changed Lobby Image
kaqXPMddkhFqaTYBaF mKwybroCamOCVIdYTU
Changed Tags
casual, party world, party game, role playing role playing, party world, simulator, friendly
Changed Introduction
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜be kind to each other
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜be kind to each other
🐰Easter Update
Changed Square Image
Changed Lobby Image
Changed Introduction
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜be kind to each other
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜be kind to each other
Changed Image
Changed Introduction
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜be kind to each other
💜Have fun, enjoy and chill out with friends, meet new people
💜Viel Spass, genieße und chille mit Freunden, lerne neue Leute kennen
💜a different style of Party Royale
💜be kind to each other