🌲 1v2 Realistics
🔃 Speed Realistics Enabled
⭐ Win 7 Fights as the Clutch to Win
👑 Top 250 Leaderboard Updated Weekly
🔥 Rank up to Unreal by Winning
🎵 Lofi Beats
📝 Made in UEFN
This map is used by the best pros placing in tournaments. There are custom loadout selectors, more than 30 POIs, a ranked leaderboard going all the way to top 250 & lo-fi beats to vibe to. Practice against friends via the matchmaking system to reach the highest rank and submit your leaderboard score.
Made by Finest
First to win 7 fights as the clutch wins the round.
Eliminate the solos to become the clutch
A 1v2 Solo vs Duo Practice map focused on improving your skill, good with a friend to practice
🌲 1v2 Realistics
🔃 Speed Realistics Enabled
⭐ Win 7 Fights as the Clutch to Win
👑 Top 250 Leaderboard Updated Weekly
🔥 Rank up to Unreal by Winning
🎵 Lofi Beats
📝 Made in UEFN
This map is used by the best pros placing in tournaments. There are custom loadout selectors, more than 27 POIs, a ranked leaderboard going all the way to top 250 & lo-fi beats to listen to. Practice against friends via the matchmaking system to reach the highest rank and submit your leaderboard score. 🌲 1v2 Realistics
🔃 Speed Realistics Enabled
⭐ Win 7 Fights as the Clutch to Win
👑 Top 250 Leaderboard Updated Weekly
🔥 Rank up to Unreal by Winning
🎵 Lofi Beats
📝 Made in UEFN
This map is used by the best pros placing in tournaments. There are custom loadout selectors, more than 30 POIs, a ranked leaderboard going all the way to top 250 & lo-fi beats to vibe to. Practice against friends via the matchmaking system to reach the highest rank and submit your leaderboard score.
First to win 7 fights as the clutch wins the round.
Eliminate the solosssssss to become the clutch
A 1v2 Solo vs Duo Practice map focused on improving your skill, good with a friend to practice First to win 7 fights as the clutch wins the round.
Eliminate the solos to become the clutch
A 1v2 Solo vs Duo Practice map focused on improving your skill, good with a friend to practice