1v1, just for fun, pvp, respawn 1v1, practice, pvp, respawn
Changed Introduction
All Weapons and Vehicles
Your Loadout and Eliminations Save
Thanks for playing! All Weapons and Vehicles
Your Loadout and Eliminations Save
Thanks for Playing!
The Classic Creative Fill Experience
All Weapons and Vehicles
Your Loadout and Eliminations Save All Weapons and Vehicles
Your Loadout and Eliminations Save
Thanks for playing!
🔫 All Weapons
✔️ Super Fun Free-For-All
🎉 1v1 With Friends
🚁 Vehicles, Mythic Items, & More
💾 Loadout & Eliminations Save 🔫 All Weapons & Vehicles
✅ Very Fun Free For All
🛠️ 1v1 Build Resets
💾 Your Loadout & Eliminations Save
🔫 All Weapons
✔️ Super Fun Free-For-All
🎉 1v1 With Friends
🚁 Vehicles, Mythic Items, & More
💾 Loadout & Eliminations Save
☑️ Always Updated 🔫 All Weapons
✔️ Super Fun Free-For-All
🎉 1v1 With Friends
🚁 Vehicles, Mythic Items, & More
💾 Loadout & Eliminations Save
🔫 All Weapons
✔️ Very Fun Free-For-All
🚁 Vehicles, Mythic Items, & more
💾 Loadout & Eliminations Save
🆕 Always Updated 🔫 All Weapons
✔️ Super Fun Free-For-All
🎉 1v1 With Friends
🚁 Vehicles, Mythic Items, & More
💾 Loadout & Eliminations Save
☑️ Always Updated
❌ No Waiting for Mythic Weapons
👤 16 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💦 Automatic Reloading on Elimination
💾 Loadout & Eliminations Save
🆕 Updated Weekly 🔫 All Weapons
✔️ Very Fun Free-For-All
🚁 Vehicles, Mythic Items, & more
💾 Loadout & Eliminations Save
🆕 Always Updated
Changed Introduction
Free-For-All with all weapons and vehicles
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
TIKTOK: @HIVECR8 The Classic Creative Fill Experience
All Weapons and Vehicles
Your Loadout and Eliminations Save
❌ No Waiting for Mythic Weapons
👤 16 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💦 Automatic Reloading on Elimination
💾 Eliminations & Loadout Save
🆕 Updated Weekly ❌ No Waiting for Mythic Weapons
👤 16 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💦 Automatic Reloading on Elimination
💾 Loadout & Eliminations Save
🆕 Updated Weekly
Free-For-All with all weapons and vehicles
Your eliminations save for the next time you play! Free-For-All with all weapons and vehicles
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
❌ No Waiting for Mythic Weapons
👤 16 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💦 Automatic Reloading on Elimination
💾 Loadout & Eliminations Save
🆕 Updated Weekly ❌ No Waiting for Mythic Weapons
👤 16 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💦 Automatic Reloading on Elimination
💾 Eliminations & Loadout Save
🆕 Updated Weekly
Changed Introduction
Free-For-All with all weapons and vehicles
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
TIKTOK: @HIVECR8 Free-For-All with all weapons and vehicles
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
❌ No Waiting for Mythic Weapons
👤 16 Player Free-For-All
⚔️ Private 1v1 Matches
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💦 Automatic Reloading on Elimination
💾 Loadout & Eliminations Save
🆕 Updated Weekly ❌ No Waiting for Mythic Weapons
👤 16 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💦 Automatic Reloading on Elimination
💾 Loadout & Eliminations Save
🆕 Updated Weekly
free for all, practice, pvp, respawn 1v1, practice, pvp, respawn
Changed Max players
24 15
Changed Description
❌ No Locked Mythics
✔️ All Weapons Available Without Waiting
👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
♻️ Automatic Reloading on Elimination
💾 Eliminations & Loadout Save
🆕 Updated Weekly ❌ No Waiting for Mythic Weapons
👤 16 Player Free-For-All
⚔️ Private 1v1 Matches
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💦 Automatic Reloading on Elimination
💾 Loadout & Eliminations Save
🆕 Updated Weekly
❌ No Locked Mythics
✔️ All Weapons Available Without Waiting
👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💾 Eliminations & Loadout Save
🆕 Updated Weekly ❌ No Locked Mythics
✔️ All Weapons Available Without Waiting
👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
♻️ Automatic Reloading on Elimination
💾 Eliminations & Loadout Save
🆕 Updated Weekly
Free-For-All with all weapons and vehicles
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
Created by TEAM HIVE. Free-For-All with all weapons and vehicles
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
❌ No Locked or Paid Mythics
✔️ All Weapons Available Without Waiting
👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💾 Eliminations & Loadout Save
🆕 Updated Weekly ❌ No Locked Mythics
✔️ All Weapons Available Without Waiting
👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💾 Eliminations & Loadout Save
🆕 Updated Weekly
❌ No Locked Mythics
✔️ All Weapons Available Without Waiting
👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💾 Eliminations & Loadout Save
🆕 Updated Weekly ❌ No Locked or Paid Mythics
✔️ All Weapons Available Without Waiting
👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💾 Eliminations & Loadout Save
🆕 Updated Weekly
❌ No Locked or Paid Mythics
✔️ All Weapons Available Without Waiting
👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💾 Eliminations & Loadout Save
🆕 Updated Weekly ❌ No Locked Mythics
✔️ All Weapons Available Without Waiting
👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💾 Eliminations & Loadout Save
🆕 Updated Weekly
All Weapons and Vehicles
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
Created by TEAM HIVE. Free-For-All with all weapons and vehicles
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
Created by TEAM HIVE.
👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
🆕 Updated Weekly ❌ No Locked or Paid Mythics
✔️ All Weapons Available Without Waiting
👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💾 Eliminations & Loadout Save
🆕 Updated Weekly
Changed Introduction
Solo playground with all weapons and vehicles.
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
Created by TEAM HIVE. All Weapons and Vehicles
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
Created by TEAM HIVE.
❌ No Locked or Paid Mythics
✔️ All Weapons Available Without Waiting
👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💾 Loadout & Eliminations Save
🆕 Updated Weekly 👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
🆕 Updated Weekly
Changed Introduction
Free-For-All with all weapons and vehicles available.
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
Created by TEAM HIVE. Solo playground with all weapons and vehicles.
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
Created by TEAM HIVE.
❌ No Locked or Paid Mythics
✔️ All Weapons Available Without Waiting
👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💾 Eliminations & Loadout Save
🆕 Updated Weekly ❌ No Locked or Paid Mythics
✔️ All Weapons Available Without Waiting
👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💾 Loadout & Eliminations Save
🆕 Updated Weekly
Changed Introduction
Free For All with all weapons and vehicles available.
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
Created by TEAM HIVE. Free-For-All with all weapons and vehicles available.
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
Created by TEAM HIVE.
👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
🆕 Updated Weekly ❌ No Locked or Paid Mythics
✔️ All Weapons Available Without Waiting
👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 Fun Vehicles
💾 Eliminations & Loadout Save
🆕 Updated Weekly
Changed Introduction
Solo playground with all weapons and vehicles.
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
Created by TEAM HIVE. Free For All with all weapons and vehicles available.
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
Created by TEAM HIVE.
👤 16 Player Free For All
🚁 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
🆕 Updated Weekly 👤 24 Player Free-For-All
🚁 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
🆕 Updated Weekly
👤 24 Player Free For All
🚁 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
🆕 Updated Weekly 👤 16 Player Free For All
🚁 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
🆕 Updated Weekly
free for all, just for fun, pvp, respawn free for all, practice, pvp, respawn
Changed Description
🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 24 Player FFA
🆕 Updated Frequently 👤 24 Player Free For All
🚁 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
🆕 Updated Weekly
Changed Introduction
Free For All or 1v1 with any gun or vehicle
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
Created by TEAM HIVE. Solo playground with all weapons and vehicles.
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
Created by TEAM HIVE.
pvp, free for all free for all, just for fun, pvp, respawn
Changed Max players
30 24
Changed Description
🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA with Driving
🆕 Updated Frequently 🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 24 Player FFA
🆕 Updated Frequently
🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA with Driving
✨ New Drum Gun 🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA with Driving
🆕 Updated Frequently
free for all, gun fight, pvp, respawn free for all
Changed Description
🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA with Driving
⚡️ Chapter 5 Season 2 POWERS 🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA with Driving
✨ New Drum Gun
Changed Introduction
Race with friends, battle it out, or have fun driving around!
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
Created by TEAM HIVE. Free For All or 1v1 with any gun or vehicle
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
Created by TEAM HIVE.
race, free for all, just for fun, driver simulator race, free for all, 1v1
Changed Description
🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA with Driving 🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA with Driving
⚡️ Chapter 5 Season 2 POWERS
race, free for all, just for fun race, free for all, just for fun, driver simulator
Changed Description
🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA with Driving
⭐️ Chapter 5 Guns 🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA with Driving
🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
⭐️ Chapter 5 Guns 🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA with Driving
⭐️ Chapter 5 Guns
Changed Introduction
1v1 with any gun or car in the game, the classic creative fill experience.
Frequently updated with the newest weapons. Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
Created by TEAM HIVE. Race with friends, battle it out, or have fun driving around!
Your eliminations save for the next time you play!
Created by TEAM HIVE.
🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
⭐️ Grapple Blade + Mythic Goldfish 🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
⭐️ Chapter 5 Guns
🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1 🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
⭐️ Grapple Blade + Mythic Goldfish
1v1 with any gun in the game, the classic creative fill experience.
Frequently updated with the newest weapons. Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
Created by TEAM HIVE. 1v1 with any gun or car in the game, the classic creative fill experience.
Frequently updated with the newest weapons. Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
Created by TEAM HIVE.
Changed Description
🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🎄 Holiday Update 🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
Changed Introduction
Play in Public/Fill as a 30 Player Free-For-All with every weapon and vehicle or in Private/No-Fill as a 1v1!
Frequently updated with the newest weapons. Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
Created by TEAM HIVE. 1v1 with any gun in the game, the classic creative fill experience.
Frequently updated with the newest weapons. Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
Created by TEAM HIVE.
🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🌳 New Season Guns 🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🎄 Holiday Update
🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🌳 OG Guns 🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🌳 New Season Guns
Changed Description
🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🌙 Mythic Kinetic Blade & more 🚗 All Weapons and Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🌳 OG Guns
🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🌙 New Sticky Grenade Launcher 🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🌙 Mythic Kinetic Blade & more
🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🌙 Chapter 4 Season 4 Update! 🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🌙 New Sticky Grenade Launcher
🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1 🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🌙 Chapter 4 Season 4 Update!
🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🌿 Sharp Tooth Shotgun 🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🌿 NEW Mammoth Pistol 🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🌿 Sharp Tooth Shotgun
🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1 🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
🌿 NEW Mammoth Pistol
Play in Public/Fill as a 30 Player Free-For-All with every weapon and vehicle or in Private/No-Fill as a 1v1!
Frequently updated with the newest weapons. Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
Created by TEAM HIVE Play in Public/Fill as a 30 Player Free-For-All with every weapon and vehicle or in Private/No-Fill as a 1v1!
Frequently updated with the newest weapons. Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
Created by TEAM HIVE.
🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 60 Player FFA or 1v1
🌅 Huge Revamp! 🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA or 1v1
Changed Introduction
Play in Public/Fill as a 60 Player Free-For-All with every weapon and vehicle or in Private/No-Fill as a 1v1!
Frequently updated with the newest weapons. Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
Created by TEAM HIVE Play in Public/Fill as a 30 Player Free-For-All with every weapon and vehicle or in Private/No-Fill as a 1v1!
Frequently updated with the newest weapons. Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
Created by TEAM HIVE
🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Loadout & Eliminations Save
👥 60 Player FFA or 1v1
🌅 Huge Revamp! 🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 60 Player FFA or 1v1
🌅 Huge Revamp!
Changed Introduction
Play in Public/Fill as a 60 Player Free-For-All with every weapon and vehicle or in Private/No-Fill as a 1v1!
Frequently updated with the newest weapons. Your loadout & eliminations are saved when you play again!
Created by TEAM HIVE Play in Public/Fill as a 60 Player Free-For-All with every weapon and vehicle or in Private/No-Fill as a 1v1!
Frequently updated with the newest weapons. Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
Created by TEAM HIVE
🚁 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA
🍦 Summer Update 🚗 All Weapons + Vehicles
💾 Loadout & Eliminations Save
👥 60 Player FFA or 1v1
🌅 Huge Revamp!
Changed Introduction
Play in Public/Fill as a 30 Player Free-For-All with every weapon and vehicle or in Private/No-Fill as 1v1!
Frequently updated with the newest weapons. Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
Created by ElectricCloud55 & TEAM HIVE Play in Public/Fill as a 60 Player Free-For-All with every weapon and vehicle or in Private/No-Fill as a 1v1!
Frequently updated with the newest weapons. Your loadout & eliminations are saved when you play again!
Created by TEAM HIVE
🚁 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA
🌿 New MK-Alpha & Cloak Gauntlets 🚁 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA
🌿 MYTHIC Explosive Repeater Rifle
🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 30 Player FFA
🌿 Chapter 4 Season 3 Update 🚁 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations Save
👥 30 Player FFA
🌿 New MK-Alpha & Cloak Gauntlets
Play as a 30 Player Free-For-All with every gun and vehicle or in Private/No-Fill as 1v1!
Frequently updated with the newest weapons.
Your eliminations are saved when you play again! Play in Public/Fill as a 30 Player Free-For-All with every weapon and vehicle or in Private/No-Fill as 1v1!
Frequently updated with the newest weapons. Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
Created by ElectricCloud55 & TEAM HIVE
free for all, practice, pvp, zonewars free for all, practice, zonewars
Changed Description
🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 30 Player FFA
💫 Rifted Event 🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 30 Player FFA
🌿 Chapter 4 Season 3 Update
🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 30 Player FFA
🐣 Spring Breakout Event! 🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 30 Player FFA
🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 30 Player FFA
🌃 Chapter 4 Season 2 Weapons 🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 30 Player FFA
🐣 Spring Breakout Event!
🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 30 Player FFA
🌃 Chapter 4 Season 2 Update! 🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 30 Player FFA
🌃 Chapter 4 Season 2 Weapons
free for all, practice, pvp, respawn competitive, free for all, practice, pvp
Changed Description
🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 30 Player FFA 🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 30 Player FFA
🔓 Heist Exotics Update!
Changed Introduction
Play as a 30 Player Free-For-All with every gun and vehicle or in Private/No-Fill as 1v1!
Respawn when you are eliminated!
Your eliminations are saved when you play again! Play as a 30 Player Free-For-All with every gun and vehicle or in Private/No-Fill as 1v1!
Frequently updated with the newest weapons.
Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 30 Player FFA
🌟 Level Up Your Battle Pass 🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 30 Player FFA
🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 30 Player FFA
🌟 Level Up 🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 30 Player FFA
🌟 Level Up Your Battle Pass
🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 40 Player FFA
🌟 Level Up 🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 30 Player FFA
🌟 Level Up
Changed Introduction
40 Player Free-For-All with every gun and vehicle!
Respawn when you are eliminated!
Your eliminations are saved when you play again! Play as a 30 Player Free-For-All with every gun and vehicle or in Private/No-Fill as 1v1!
Respawn when you are eliminated!
Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 40 Player FFA
🌟 Level Up your Battle Pass! 🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 40 Player FFA
🌟 Level Up
🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
⭐ Level Up
👥 40 Player FFA 🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
👥 40 Player FFA
🌟 Level Up your Battle Pass!
🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
⭐ Level Up
👥 50 Player FFA 🚙 All Weapons & Vehicles
💾 Eliminations are Saved
⭐ Level Up
👥 40 Player FFA
Changed Introduction
50 Player Free-For-All with every gun and vehicle!
Respawn when you are eliminated!
Your eliminations are saved when you play again! 40 Player Free-For-All with every gun and vehicle!
Respawn when you are eliminated!
Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
50 Player Free-For-All with every gun and vehicle!
Builds reset every 15 minutes.
Your eliminations are saved when you play again! 50 Player Free-For-All with every gun and vehicle!
Respawn when you are eliminated!
Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
50 Player Free-For-All with every gun and vehicle!
Builds reset every 15 minutes.
Your eliminations are saved when you play again! Check your total stats with the Career Leaderboard. 50 Player Free-For-All with every gun and vehicle!
Builds reset every 15 minutes.
Your eliminations are saved when you play again!
50 Player Free-For-All with every gun and vehicle!
Level up quickly! Builds reset every 15 minutes.
Your eliminations are saved when you play again! 50 Player Free-For-All with every gun and vehicle!
Builds reset every 15 minutes.
Your eliminations are saved when you play again! Check your total stats with the Career Leaderboard.