Embark on a captivating single-player narrative adventure in "Baba Yaga’s Island", where you and your loyal companion, Jonesy, find yourselves stranded on a mysterious, deserted island. With your raft lost to the sea, the only way off the island is to explore its secrets and unravel the mysteries that lie within...
Story/Exploration/Base building/Mystery/BossFight/Cinematics... and more !
There are a lot of dialogs and musics in this game, increase musics and sounds to 100%
If you have a problem, try to Respawn manually
Take your time and enjoy the Story
adventure, mystery, story, boss battle mystery, story, boss battle, base building
Changed Description
Embark on a captivating single-player narrative adventure in "Baba Yaga’s Island", where you and your loyal companion, Jonesy, find yourselves stranded on a mysterious, deserted island. With your raft lost to the sea, the only way off the island is to explore its secrets and unravel the mysteries that lie within... Embark on a captivating single-player narrative adventure in "Baba Yaga’s Island", where you and your loyal companion, Jonesy, find yourselves stranded on a mysterious, deserted island. With your raft lost to the sea, the only way off the island is to explore its secrets and unravel the mysteries that lie within...
Story/Exploration/Base building/Mystery/BossFight/Cinematics... and more !
There are a lot of dialogs and musics in this game, increase musics and sounds to 100%
If you have a problem, try to Respawn manually
Take your time and enjoy the story There are a lot of dialogs and musics in this game, increase musics and sounds to 100%
If you have a problem, try to Respawn manually
Take your time and enjoy the Story
There are a lot of dialogs and musics in this game, increase musics and sounds to 100%
If you have a problem, try to Respawn manually There are a lot of dialogs and musics in this game, increase musics and sounds to 100%
If you have a problem, try to Respawn manually
Take your time and enjoy the story
adventure, base building, crafting, exploration adventure, base building, exploration, mystery
Changed Max players
4 1
Changed Description
Your plane crashed and you ended on an Island and have to survive. Embark on a captivating single-player narrative adventure in "Baba Yaga’s Island", where you and your loyal companion, Jonesy, find yourselves stranded on a mysterious, deserted island. With your raft lost to the sea, the only way off the island is to explore its secrets and unravel the mysteries that lie within...
Changed Introduction
There are a lot of dialogs and musics in this game There are a lot of dialogs and musics in this game, increase musics and sounds to 100%
If you have a problem, try to Respawn manually