"Welcome to the Spot-the-Difference Museum. In this museum, you must find the discrepancies within the exhibits to successfully escape. Can you navigate through the challenging spot-the-difference puzzles and make a safe exit?"
各フロアの間違いを見つけて、ライフルで撃ちぬこう/Find the mistakes on each floor and shoot them with a rifle.
間違いを見つけて脱出カードキーを手にいれろ/"Find the discrepancies and obtain the escape key card."
キー3枚がポートで認証されると次のステージに/When three keys are authenticated at the port, you can proceed to the next stage.
Welcome to the "Mistake Hunt Art Museum." In this museum, you must spot the mistakes within the exhibits to make your way out. Can you solve these challenging mistake-hunting puzzles and escape safely?
Now, have a great time enjoying the eerie and enigmatic Halloween-themed displays! 間違い探し美術館へようこそ。この美術館は展示の中の間違いを見つけないと脱出することができません。各アナタは超難問の間違い探しをクリアして、無事脱出することができるのか…?
"Welcome to the Spot-the-Difference Museum. In this museum, you must find the discrepancies within the exhibits to successfully escape. Can you navigate through the challenging spot-the-difference puzzles and make a safe exit?"
Changed Introduction
各フロアの間違いを見つけて、ライフルで撃ちぬこう/Find the mistakes on each floor and shoot them with a rifle.
間違いを見つけるごとにカードキーが1つ手に入る/You'll receive one key card for each mistake you find.
キー3枚がポートで認証されると次のステージに/When three keys are authenticated at the port, you can proceed to the next stage. 各フロアの間違いを見つけて、ライフルで撃ちぬこう/Find the mistakes on each floor and shoot them with a rifle.
間違いを見つけて脱出カードキーを手にいれろ/"Find the discrepancies and obtain the escape key card."
キー3枚がポートで認証されると次のステージに/When three keys are authenticated at the port, you can proceed to the next stage.