Fortnite Competitive Events


FNCS Division 1

Trio up for the opportunity to win cash prizes!

Unlock this divisional cup by qualifying from the FNCS Trial or by advancing through FNCS Division 2. Qualification to the Division 1 Weekly Final is based on your performance across both Division 1 sessions each week, with the top 33 teams in each region qualifying to the Weekly Final. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Division 2

Trio up and battle to advance to FNCS Division 1

Unlock this divisional cup by qualifying from the FNCS Trial or by advancing through FNCS Division 3. Qualification to Division 1 is based on your performance across both Division 2 sessions each week. EU & NAC: top 20 will advance to Division 1; NAW, BR, ASIA, OCE, ME: top 10 will advance to Division 1. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Division 3

Trio up and battle to advance to FNCS Division 2

Unlock this divisional cup by qualifying from the FNCS Trial or by reaching Gold or higher in Battle Royale, Zero Build, or Reload Ranked. Qualification to Division 2 is based on your performance across both Division 3 sessions each week. EU: top 300 will advance to Division 2; NAC: top 200 will advance to Division 2; NAW, BR, ASIA, OCE, ME: top 100 will advance to Division 2. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Solo Cash Cup

Test your mettle in the Solo Cash Cup!

Unlock this tournament by playing Ranked. You must be ranked in Gold or higher in Battle Royale, Zero Build, or Reload Ranked to unlock this tournament. This tournament occurs across two rounds, with the top 600 players from Round 1 advancing to Round 2. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Division 1

Trio up for the opportunity to win cash prizes!

Unlock this divisional cup by qualifying from the FNCS Trial or by advancing through FNCS Division 2. Qualification to the Division 1 Weekly Final is based on your performance across both Division 1 sessions each week, with the top 33 teams in each region qualifying to the Weekly Final. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:


Time to rewind the clock and squad up!

Squad up with friends or matchmake with other fill players! Earned points will be tracked individually for each player, not each team. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

OG Cup

Time to rewind the clock and squad up!

Squad up with friends or matchmake with other fill players! Earned points will be tracked individually for each player, not each team. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Solo Cash Cup

Test your mettle in the Solo Cash Cup!

Unlock this tournament by playing Ranked. You must be ranked in Gold or higher in Battle Royale, Zero Build, or Reload Ranked to unlock this tournament. This tournament occurs across two rounds, with the top 600 players from Round 1 advancing to Round 2. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Duos

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! You may play this event as a solo fill player and will be matchmade with other solo fill players, or you may play as a full party if you are all the same rank. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Duos

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! You may play this event as a solo fill player and will be matchmade with other solo fill players, or you may play as a full party if you are all the same rank. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Duos

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! You may play this event as a solo fill player and will be matchmade with other solo fill players, or you may play as a full party if you are all the same rank. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Division 1

Trio up for the opportunity to win cash prizes!

Unlock this divisional cup by qualifying from the FNCS Trial or by advancing through FNCS Division 2. Qualification to the Division 1 Weekly Final is based on your performance across both Division 1 sessions each week, with the top 33 teams in each region qualifying to the Weekly Final. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Division 2

Trio up and battle to advance to FNCS Division 1

Unlock this divisional cup by qualifying from the FNCS Trial or by advancing through FNCS Division 3. Qualification to Division 1 is based on your performance across both Division 2 sessions each week. EU & NAC: top 20 will advance to Division 1; NAW, BR, ASIA, OCE, ME: top 10 will advance to Division 1. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Division 3

Trio up and battle to advance to FNCS Division 2

Unlock this divisional cup by qualifying from the FNCS Trial or by reaching Gold or higher in Battle Royale, Zero Build, or Reload Ranked. Qualification to Division 2 is based on your performance across both Division 3 sessions each week. EU: top 300 will advance to Division 2; NAC: top 200 will advance to Division 2; NAW, BR, ASIA, OCE, ME: top 100 will advance to Division 2. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Division 1

Trio up for the opportunity to win cash prizes!

Unlock this divisional cup by qualifying from the FNCS Trial or by advancing through FNCS Division 2. Qualification to the Division 1 Weekly Final is based on your performance across both Division 1 sessions each week, with the top 33 teams in each region qualifying to the Weekly Final. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Division 2

Trio up and battle to advance to FNCS Division 1

Unlock this divisional cup by qualifying from the FNCS Trial or by advancing through FNCS Division 3. Qualification to Division 1 is based on your performance across both Division 2 sessions each week. EU & NAC: top 20 will advance to Division 1; NAW, BR, ASIA, OCE, ME: top 10 will advance to Division 1. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Division 3

Trio up and battle to advance to FNCS Division 2

Unlock this divisional cup by qualifying from the FNCS Trial or by reaching Gold or higher in Battle Royale, Zero Build, or Reload Ranked. Qualification to Division 2 is based on your performance across both Division 3 sessions each week. EU: top 300 will advance to Division 2; NAC: top 200 will advance to Division 2; NAW, BR, ASIA, OCE, ME: top 100 will advance to Division 2. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Solo Cash Cup

Test your mettle in the Solo Cash Cup!

Unlock this tournament by playing Ranked. You must be ranked in Gold or higher in Battle Royale, Zero Build, or Reload Ranked to unlock this tournament. This tournament occurs across two rounds, with the top 600 players from Round 1 advancing to Round 2. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Division 1

Trio up for the opportunity to win cash prizes!

Unlock this divisional cup by qualifying from the FNCS Trial or by advancing through FNCS Division 2. Qualification to the Division 1 Weekly Final is based on your performance across both Division 1 sessions each week, with the top 33 teams in each region qualifying to the Weekly Final. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:


Time to rewind the clock and squad up!

Squad up with friends or matchmake with other fill players! Earned points will be tracked individually for each player, not each team. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

OG Cup

Time to rewind the clock and squad up!

Squad up with friends or matchmake with other fill players! Earned points will be tracked individually for each player, not each team. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Solo Cash Cup

Test your mettle in the Solo Cash Cup!

Unlock this tournament by playing Ranked. You must be ranked in Gold or higher in Battle Royale, Zero Build, or Reload Ranked to unlock this tournament. This tournament occurs across two rounds, with the top 600 players from Round 1 advancing to Round 2. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Duos

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! You may play this event as a solo fill player and will be matchmade with other solo fill players, or you may play as a full party if you are all the same rank. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Duos

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! You may play this event as a solo fill player and will be matchmade with other solo fill players, or you may play as a full party if you are all the same rank. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Duos

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! You may play this event as a solo fill player and will be matchmade with other solo fill players, or you may play as a full party if you are all the same rank. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Major 1 Play-In

Compete in the Fortnite Championship Series: Major 1 for a share of the $2 million prize pool.

Reach FNCS Division 1 to unlock this event. The Play-In Stage will consist of two days of competition with a cumulative leaderboard. The top trios on the leaderboard (top 99 in EU and NAC, top 66 in all other regions) will then be seeded into the Group Stage. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Major 1 Play-In

Compete in the Fortnite Championship Series: Major 1 for a share of the $2 million prize pool.

Reach FNCS Division 1 to unlock this event. The Play-In Stage will consist of two days of competition with a cumulative leaderboard. The top trios on the leaderboard (top 99 in EU and NAC, top 66 in all other regions) will then be seeded into the Group Stage. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Solo Cash Cup

Test your mettle in the Solo Cash Cup!

Unlock this tournament by playing Ranked. You must be ranked in Gold or higher in Battle Royale, Zero Build, or Reload Ranked to unlock this tournament. This tournament occurs across two rounds, with the top 600 players from Round 1 advancing to Round 2. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:


Time to rewind the clock and squad up!

Squad up with friends or matchmake with other fill players! Earned points will be tracked individually for each player, not each team. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

OG Cup

Time to rewind the clock and squad up!

Squad up with friends or matchmake with other fill players! Earned points will be tracked individually for each player, not each team. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Solo Cash Cup

Test your mettle in the Solo Cash Cup!

Unlock this tournament by playing Ranked. You must be ranked in Gold or higher in Battle Royale, Zero Build, or Reload Ranked to unlock this tournament. This tournament occurs across two rounds, with the top 600 players from Round 1 advancing to Round 2. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Duos

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! You may play this event as a solo fill player and will be matchmade with other solo fill players, or you may play as a full party if you are all the same rank. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Duos

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! You may play this event as a solo fill player and will be matchmade with other solo fill players, or you may play as a full party if you are all the same rank. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Duos

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! You may play this event as a solo fill player and will be matchmade with other solo fill players, or you may play as a full party if you are all the same rank. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Major 1 Group Stage

Compete in the Fortnite Championship Series: Major 1 for a share of the $2 million prize pool.

Advance to the Group Stage by qualifying through the Play-In! The Group Stage will consist of three groups in EU and NAC, and two groups in all other regions. Every Victory Royale in the Group Stage is an instant qualification to the Major Finals! The most consistent trios in each group (top five in EU and NAC, top 10 in all other regions) will also advance to the Major Finals. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Solo Cash Cup

Test your mettle in the Solo Cash Cup!

Unlock this tournament by playing Ranked. You must be ranked in Gold or higher in Battle Royale, Zero Build, or Reload Ranked to unlock this tournament. This tournament occurs across two rounds, with the top 600 players from Round 1 advancing to Round 2. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Solo Cash Cup

Test your mettle in the Solo Cash Cup!

Unlock this tournament by playing Ranked. You must be ranked in Gold or higher in Battle Royale, Zero Build, or Reload Ranked to unlock this tournament. This tournament occurs across two rounds, with the top 600 players from Round 1 advancing to Round 2. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:


Time to rewind the clock and squad up!

Squad up with friends or matchmake with other fill players! Earned points will be tracked individually for each player, not each team. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

OG Cup

Time to rewind the clock and squad up!

Squad up with friends or matchmake with other fill players! Earned points will be tracked individually for each player, not each team. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Major 1 Group Stage

Compete in the Fortnite Championship Series: Major 1 for a share of the $2 million prize pool.

Advance to the Group Stage by qualifying through the Play-In! The Group Stage will consist of three groups in EU and NAC, and two groups in all other regions. Every Victory Royale in the Group Stage is an instant qualification to the Major Finals! The most consistent trios in each group (top five in EU and NAC, top 10 in all other regions) will also advance to the Major Finals. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Duos

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! You may play this event as a solo fill player and will be matchmade with other solo fill players, or you may play as a full party if you are all the same rank. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Duos

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! You may play this event as a solo fill player and will be matchmade with other solo fill players, or you may play as a full party if you are all the same rank. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Duos

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! You may play this event as a solo fill player and will be matchmade with other solo fill players, or you may play as a full party if you are all the same rank. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Major 1 Last Chance Qualifier

Compete in the Fortnite Championship Series: Major 1 for a share of the $2 million prize pool.

The Last Chance Qualifier is open to all players in Divisions 1, 2 and 3. The top 33 teams in each region will advance to the Last Chance Lobby, where the Victory Royale winners of each match will earn their ticket to the Major Finals! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Major 1 Last Chance Qualifier

Compete in the Fortnite Championship Series: Major 1 for a share of the $2 million prize pool.

The Last Chance Qualifier is open to all players in Divisions 1, 2 and 3. The top 33 teams in each region will advance to the Last Chance Lobby, where the Victory Royale winners of each match will earn their ticket to the Major Finals! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:


Time to rewind the clock and squad up!

Squad up with friends or matchmake with other fill players! Earned points will be tracked individually for each player, not each team. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

OG Cup

Time to rewind the clock and squad up!

Squad up with friends or matchmake with other fill players! Earned points will be tracked individually for each player, not each team. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Solo

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Major 1 Finals

Compete in the Fortnite Championship Series: Major 1 for a share of the $2 million prize pool.

This is a two-day event with 12 matches to crown the FNCS Major champions. The Major champions will not only claim their share of the prize pool โ€” and their title as the best Fortnite players in the region โ€” but will also wield the Blade of Champions for the following season, displaying their achievement for all to see! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Bronze, Silver, & Gold Ranked Cup Duos

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Bronze, Silver, & Gold ranked players! You must be in Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! You may play this event as a solo fill player and will be matchmade with other solo fill players, or you may play as a full party if you are all the same rank. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Elite+ Ranked Cup Duos

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Elite+ ranked players! You must be in Elite or above in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! You may play this event as a solo fill player and will be matchmade with other solo fill players, or you may play as a full party if you are all the same rank. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

Platinum & Diamond Ranked Cup Duos

Compete against other ranked players!

Compete against other Platinum and Diamond ranked players! You must be in Platinum or Diamond in Battle Royale Ranked. You may play as many games as you wish during the 4 hour window, but only your top 4 matches will count towards your placement on the leaderboard! In any session, earn 50 points to earn the "Ranker's Shogun 'Brella" In-Game Glider! You may play this event as a solo fill player and will be matchmade with other solo fill players, or you may play as a full party if you are all the same rank. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 50 or greater. For more details see:

FNCS Major 1 Finals

Compete in the Fortnite Championship Series: Major 1 for a share of the $2 million prize pool.

This is a two-day event with 12 matches to crown the FNCS Major champions. The Major champions will not only claim their share of the prize pool โ€” and their title as the best Fortnite players in the region โ€” but will also wield the Blade of Champions for the following season, displaying their achievement for all to see! Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Solo Cash Cup

Test your mettle in the Solo Cash Cup!

Unlock this tournament by playing Ranked. You must be ranked in Gold or higher in Battle Royale, Zero Build, or Reload Ranked to unlock this tournament. This tournament occurs across two rounds, with the top 600 players from Round 1 advancing to Round 2. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see:

Solo Cash Cup

Test your mettle in the Solo Cash Cup!

Unlock this tournament by playing Ranked. You must be ranked in Gold or higher in Battle Royale, Zero Build, or Reload Ranked to unlock this tournament. This tournament occurs across two rounds, with the top 600 players from Round 1 advancing to Round 2. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled, have participated in at least 14 different tournaments within the last 180 days, and have an account level of 350 or greater. For more details see: