The ancient Egyptian board game, Senet, travels through time and lands in the year 3050 where it enjoys crowds of supportive fans cheering you on as you battle an opponent in this engaging, futuristic, life-size recreation. In this 1v1 experience, players take turns rolling the die and moving one of their pawns to an available space. Pawns can move ahead, trade places with their competitor, form blockades, fall into hazards, and more. Move all 5 pawns off the board to win!
By _ghost_mouse
On your turn, roll the die (1-5) by stepping or jumping on any of the four dice spaces. Player 1 moves Crystal pawns, and Player 2 move Tree pawns.
Get close to your pawns after you've rolled to see what moves you have. If you have no moves, your turn will forfeit automatically.
Strategically move your pawns to form blockades, move your pawns to safe spaces or formations, and race to get all your pawns off of the board first!