ノービルドで船と城の敵を全て撃破しよう!!Destroy all the enemies on the ship and castle with no builds! !
タイムを競い合い最高タイムを叩き出せ!!Compete for time and beat the best time
死んだら最初からのデスラン仕様!!If you die, it's a death run from the beginning! !
最速クリアを目指して突き進め!!Push forward with the aim of clearing! !
ノービルドのタイムトライアル!!Destroy all the enemies on the ship and castle with no builds! !
全てを撃破して最速クリアを目指そう!!Defeat them all and aim for the fastest clear! !
難易度は結構高め。The difficulty level is quite high.